Mens 1st Team
Sat 27 Apr 2024
Dumfries Hockey Club
Mens 1st Team
R Johnston (49')
Giffnock 1s
Dumfries 1s 1-6 Giffnock 1s

Dumfries 1s 1-6 Giffnock 1s

Emma McKendrick5 May - 17:42
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Under the baking Glasgow heat, Dumfries journeyed far to meet Giffnock in a plate final clash at Auchenhowie.

Dumfries started by creating a chance inside the first minute as the ball flashed across in front of the
Giffnock goal. After this, Dumfries found themselves on the back foot. Used to the vertically
challenged KGV grounds, the bouncy pitch took some adapting to. Fortunately the combination of
Carson’s aerials and the Johnston-McFarlane partnership’s ability to stop the ball helped the ‘home’
team get into the game.
The first short corner of the game was won by Giffnock from some smart hockey, however Scott
‘sheriff’ Marshall laid down the law with a goal line save on the far post keep the scoresheet empty.
The Milne midfield duo was bolstered with Callander and Campbell; working hard to keep a lid on a
mobile opposition attack. Aitken was also playing.
Macklin kept cool under a high opposition press and working with fellow wing backs Smith and
Murray the trio slung pass after pass up the line in front of the baying crowd. With thoughts of the
evenings pizza in mind, Dumfries went into coach Bennett’s half time talk 1-0 down with plenty of

Shortly after conceding a short corner, a professional drag flick from Giffnock was unfortunate to slip
past Oakes who made an excellent effort to almost deflect the ball over the bar. A high sweep by
Callander was fended off by the keeper, but it wasn’t over yet, and Johnston’s quick reactions
volleyed the ball into the net making it 3-1. In the final minutes of the game Dumfries were
unfortunate to concede two late goals.
With a late knee injury for the Dumfries captain, Kai ‘the specialist’ Palmer stepped in to defend the
final short corner, frozen in the headlights watching the ball into his own net. The game finished 6-1,
with a Dumfries team proud of a great effort against a good opposition. Thanks to West District for
organising and umpiring the game and to Giffnock for a gracious victory.

But don’t worry, the Men’s 1s will return….

Match details

Match date

Sat 27 Apr 2024



Meet time



Plate final

Please bring red tops and navy socks.
Meet at KGV ready to leave at 9:15 or if you are going direct please be at Auchenhowie for 11:15. If you are travelling direct please let me know (James)
Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Shirt Sponsor (Front) - T.P. Niven Transport & Storage
Youth Sponsor - Tarff Agricultural Merchants
Goals Sponsor - John Miller Limited
Kit Supplier - PSL Teamsports